Meet Jodie. 💜
She is 11 weeks old. She will be ready in 3 weeks time.
Jodie had a really tough start in life and is seeking a 5 🌟 home. She was found at 2 weeks old huddling into her dead mother on the road with her 2 siblings. One kitten was dead on arrival and the other died a week later. Things were touch and go, Jodie nearly didn’t make it but this little fighter pulled through against all odds.
She is a wonderful kitten. She loves her food and lick treats. She adores a snuggle and cuddling on your lap with lots of pets once she knows you. Her favourite place to lie is your legs. She will even perch on one crossed leg! She loves to play , ball games are her favourite. She has stunning markings and is very well behaved.
She is shy to start with. Her new owners will need to build trust and allow her to settle in at her own pace. She has been through a lot in her short life and she really deserves a loving home of her own. Once she trusts you she adores being picked up, kissed, cuddled and sitting on your lap. She can still hide for a little bit when you move around but once you sit or come to her level she is fine. She will make a wonderful pet.
🐶 Pet friendly: good with cats & dogs
✅ Older Children 12 plus
✅ Patient and quiet home
✅ Litter Trained and very clean
💻 Microchipped
💉 Vaccinated, spayed & parasite treated
To adopt please complete the adoption form DAFM no KPT200001C